At Psychiatrist in Lahore Hospital, we are committed to providing accurate, evidence-based, and reliable information on mental health. Our editorial standards ensure that the content on our website is trustworthy, unbiased, and up to date.

Content Accuracy and Integrity

Our content is written and reviewed by licensed psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health professionals. We follow a strict fact-checking process to ensure the information we provide is accurate and current.

Sources and References:

Every article is thoroughly researched and backed by authoritative sources such as peer-reviewed journals, medical studies, and reputable organizations like the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization.


Our editorial team verifies all statistics, claims, and data before publication. Articles are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the latest developments in mental health research and practice.

Transparency and Independence

We maintain a clear distinction between editorial content and advertising. Our reviews and recommendations are based solely on professional expertise, and we do not allow advertisers to influence our content.

Conflict of Interest:
All contributors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including financial relationships or affiliations that may affect the neutrality of the content.

Diversity and Inclusion

We strive to create content that is inclusive and respectful of all individuals. Our goal is to provide information that serves the diverse mental health needs of the community, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Corrections Policy

If any inaccuracies are identified in our content, we will promptly correct them. Readers are encouraged to notify us of any errors by contacting our editorial team at

Ethical Standards

All our writers, editors, and contributors adhere to high ethical standards, ensuring that our content is original, properly sourced, and does not infringe on any copyrights. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and all materials are thoroughly vetted for authenticity.

For any editorial inquiries, please reach out to us at